It's a bit tricky though.
(good thing I had my Multiply Account for years.)
so i've just started using LJ, and since i had some posts with Blogger, i just wanted to export them.
I searched google and didn't find anything to help me with doing that, so i remembered that i can post using my MULTIPLY account then put it into blogger. Just my luck, it also sends out to LiveJournal.
the steps are:
2. Sign up for an account / Sign in if you have an existing account.
3. Click on Blogs, That's on the Top Right.
4. After Clicking on Blogs, Scroll down and you'll be seeing there the logos of TypePad, Blogger, and LJ, click first blogger/LJ,(it's really up to you on which one you want to set up first)
5. Put in you information like your ID and password. (Before submitting, don't forget to tick the Enable cross-posting between Multiply and Blogger/LJ checkbox)
6. Press connect.
7. repeat steps 4 - 6 for TypePad/LJ/Blogger.
TADAAA, Create your posts on Multiply and it will show up on your blogs.
BTW!!! Before you submit your posts, make sure that you tick the Cross-post to _(LJ)_(Blogger)_ checkbox to make sure that you can post them.
:) hope it works for you.