rule of thumb,
what was that about again?
I'm craving for some
and Sisig. :)

Dory: Hey Mr. Grumpy Gills
When Life Gets you down, you know what you gonna do?

Melin: I don't wanna know what you gonna do.

Dory: Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming Just keep swimming, swimming, Swimming ~~~~~

I so love Finding NEMO!

I finally found the answer on how to cross-blog your blog posts to LJ (Live Journal) and at the same time with Blogger and have a link to Twitter and Facebook.

It's a bit tricky though.

It was made possible by Multiply.

(good thing I had my Multiply Account for years.)

so i've just started using LJ, and since i had some posts with Blogger, i just wanted to export them.

I searched google and didn't find anything to help me with doing that, so i remembered that i can post using my MULTIPLY account then put it into blogger. Just my luck, it also sends out to LiveJournal.

the steps are:

2. Sign up for an account / Sign in if you have an existing account.

3. Click on Blogs, That's on the Top Right.
4. After Clicking on Blogs, Scroll down and you'll be seeing there the logos of TypePad, Blogger, and LJ, click first blogger/LJ,(it's really up to you on which one you want to set up first)

5. Put in you information like your ID and password. (Before submitting, don't forget to tick the Enable cross-posting between Multiply and Blogger/LJ checkbox)

6. Press connect.

7. repeat steps 4 - 6 for TypePad/LJ/Blogger.

TADAAA, Create your posts on Multiply and it will show up on your blogs.

BTW!!! Before you submit your posts, make sure that you tick the Cross-post to _(LJ)_(Blogger)_ checkbox to make sure that you can post them.

:) hope it works for you.

Dexter's Lab

Don't you just miss the Brother/Sister Tandem?

I'm so exited to wear the Nursing Uniform


i'm afraid to see the board exam results

Off to bed with my sleeping gears.

My newest addiction.

Yes, It's Pet Forest.

Okay, I believe in what Paul the Psychic Octopus says.

That's why I know that It'll be Spain

but honestly, my first bet was BRAZIL

This is a test to see if i can post using my


it's a one way process, but hope this works. :)

okay, since it's more than a week now after my tonsil surgery(Tonsillectomy, removal of tonsils.) everything is way better.
no more pain, etc.
and i just want to share pictures that i did have after surgery.
of course, you can see more pictures on my multiply.

but here's some samples.

Day 4

The IV

by the way, as you can see on the pictures,
there's these white stuff on my throat, by now, those things were gone.

what the doctor told me, what they did is,
they used a scalpel to take off the tonsils itself
sutured the blood vessels going to the tonsils,
cauterized everything, just to make sure that bleeding won't happen,
and used a laser, just for them to be sure and to take care of their Egos.

'twas really painful though.
and the only thing that you can eat for a whole week is Ice Cream,
was fun at first, but on the 3rd day,
it seemed like, i don't want to eat ice cream anymore.